Thank you to everyone for your blessings upon my birthday ... my cherished family and friends ... thanks for all your email letters, SMS messages, e-cards, gifts, and other expressions of love these past several hours. I greatly appreciated them all and I'm humbled and honored to be a part of your lives. I too thank God each time I remember you =)
And to loved ones who are overseas (US, Canada, Korea, China, NZ, Uzbek and Thailand), thank you for remembering me even though I haven't seen some of you for quite awhile; I was extremely touched with each remembrance.
And to my family of faith here in Australia, I am amazed each time I step back and realize how much God has been good to us these past few years. It is one of the highest privileges in my life to be a shepherd here and to have the honor of sharing in God's ministry with you.
Your thoughtfulness has been a huge blessing to me and I'm so glad that we are part of a family that will spend eternity together. I will "dry" each flower that God sent to me today through each one of you, so thank you.
And the greatest gift that I cherish from you has been and always will be your prayers of love and support ... and I ask that you would continue to lift me up in your prayers and into His presence ...
"pray for me that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the Gospel, for which I am an ambassador ... pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." [
Ephesians 6:19-20]
And please pray that one of my favorite verses would be a reflection of my life ...
"However I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me ... the task of testifying to the Gospel of God's grace."
Acts 20:24
My love and prayers are always with you ...