Hey DJ, U2 is definitely a group you MUST see in concert. They still have one US date left on this tour ... their final show on December 9 in Hawaii!! :)
Hey Eddie! We've got lots more pics, so we should catch up to share U2 stories. When's good for you and Hyun? Email me (Sharon) as I'm the designated event planner for the both of us :)
Ha ha .. yep, that's what I wanted to do. Create something so I could "go back" to the concert anytime and re-live those great memories of being there! :)
wow, what an incredible time! Thanks for snapping a coupla videos.. one of these days, in my lifetime, I've got to get to a U2 concert!
Hey DJ, U2 is definitely a group you MUST see in concert. They still have one US date left on this tour ... their final show on December 9 in Hawaii!! :)
Hi Eddie!
Great photos and videos. I will put a link in my web.
Hey Eddie! It's been a while!! It's a good thing you went Friday because they didn't sing Yahweh on Saturday night. Still a great concert though!
Calvin: Thanks for the plug! Your U2 site rocks amigo! :)
Keith and Sharon: Dude, I LOVE your U2 pix!!! If you have more, I have to see them! :) Let's catch up soon. It's WAY overdue! :)
Hey Eddie! We've got lots more pics, so we should catch up to share U2 stories. When's good for you and Hyun? Email me (Sharon) as I'm the designated event planner for the both of us :)
OOOOOOOOHHHHHH YEAH!!!!!! Can't wait to see more U2 pix Sharon!! :) Oh and of course I can't wait to see you and Keith again too :) hee hee ... :p
this is like... being at the concert.....
Ha ha .. yep, that's what I wanted to do. Create something so I could "go back" to the concert anytime and re-live those great memories of being there! :)
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