Friday, July 14, 2006

God Loves N*K*

My N*K trip was a real-eye opener for me. Each visitor is assigned a government "helper" who basically is with you for the whole duration of your stay there. My guy was just out of college (there's a major for this kind of work in the universities there) and the neat thing is that if I ever go back, he'll always be the guy who meets me at the border. By the end of the trip, we build a pretty cool "friendship" together ... sharing a lot about our different lives to each other.

I really enjoyed my time there, being able to see Korea like it was 40+ years ago. I felt like time froze for decades in the area I was at. "Old school" Korea was still a present-day reality over there ... and I felt like I went back in time and was able to see with my own eyes what Korea was like when my parents were children.

And for those at New Life, I put a picture of the beds at the orphanage we sponsored in the slide below. Due to various reasons, I limited what pictures I put in the slideshow (as well as what to mention here). But I was honored to be able to walk, pray and praise within a land that is going through a long drought (both physically and spiritually).

N*K was a beautiful place though, and my heart was going out to every person that I met there, both young and old ... praying for their freedom and for God to do His healing in that land. Each morning God woke me up early to fill the air of N*K with His praises. Each moment is a precious memory as I look back ... and I look forward to the day I can meet my "helper" again, Lord willing in this life, but especially in the next. Let's continue to intercede for this nation and for God to restore the former "Jerusalem of Asia" to be a place that honors Him again.


Anonymous said...

Great stuff, Eddie. But is that a Yankee jersey I see you wearing?! BOO!!

Anonymous said...

Eddie~ whoa, you got to meet the kids!!! that's so cool!!!

Anonymous said...

Brian: Ha ha ... I knew you'd love it! :) What's funny is I had to leave all my "extra" set of clothes at the border. So that was the only thing I could wear the whole time in N*K. I'm sure you would of appreciated it.

EBae: Yeah, it was cool to see the orphanage we've been praying for and raising funds for with my own eyes. I loved the view of the city and ocean from the top of that hill too. Hey, how many "helpers" did your team have? Was it also 1:1?