Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Have a Great Christmas

I'll be leaving for the US tomorrow morning and then traveling to various places in the US so I wanted to take this time to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. May God bless you richly as you spend time with loved ones. So have a great Christmas ... and as for me, I am looking forward to an awesome New Year. :)

Currently Listening
Rattle and Hum
By U2
It's Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Weekend Wrap Up


Congrats to my cousin Eunyoung on her graduation last Friday. It was the first one for her with the whole family in attendance. But according to our grandfather, I think you still have one more degree to get before you can relax in the education department though =P Hope you had a great time with everyone there.

Another Kind of Commencement

We had our final CB/DS presentation of the year on Sunday and there was a great response from people interested in supporting our work. It was a very satisfying way to end the year. And now it's time to pray and prepare for next year and the exciting new things that God has in store =) Nervous, excited and looking forward to seeing His Kingdom grow through it all. Thanks for those who have been praying for me and if there are others who would like to become prayer partners with me, email me and I'll be happy to update you on key developments as well.

Travel Warning

Oh and for those who are traveling over the holidays, be careful of the new x-ray machines that they're using in some airports now ... they can see a lot more than before. To view a sample of what they can detect, click here (press the play button to start the video). Be ready ... they can see almost everything now! =)

Podcasts Updated

And my podcasts have been updated for the week. You can listen to new verses and sermons in these links. And two more days and Hyun and I will be heading off to the US! Looking forward to spending Christmas and New Years with family ... PLUS I got tickets for the final game of the season for the Dallas Cowboys! Woohoo!

Currently Listening
Rattle and Hum
By U2
With or Without You (Live)

Friday, December 15, 2006

Teaching Opportunity in Thailand

I received this urgent request from OMF Australia and wanted to pass it along here.

Dear Friends Around the World,

Chiang Mai International School has an urgent need for a Middle School Mathematics teacher.

Perhaps the Lord will bring exactly such a person across your path in the next week or so - please forward this on to Christian friends who may be qualified.

Please contact au-serveasia@omf.net if interested.
Magnus Linder
State Director NSW/ACT
Click to join discover_asiaClick here to join discover_asia
18-20 Oxford St T: 9868-4777 0425 255 816M:
PO Box 849 E : au-sd-nsw@omf.net
Epping NSW 1710 www.au.omf.org

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Our Budding Photographer

Satang and me

For a brief background on my Thai buddy, you can check out my previous post on Satang. But one thing I wanted to mention was that this guy has really developed as a photographer! Before it was just a psycho-obsession with digital cameras, taking about 1000 pictures per hour wherever he went ... and now he has clients throughout Australia and Thailand. The cool thing too is that whenever big shots from Thailand come to Sydney, they ask him to be their photo-man! That's pretty cool.

He's been sharing his photo sites with me and I wanted to pass them on to you guys out there. Check it out: His Multiply Site and His Google Photo Album. His past-time has turned into a passion ... and now it may lead to a new career. Keep exploring Satang! You're grown in so many ways throughout the years!

Currently Listening
Achtung Baby
By U2

Monday, December 11, 2006

More Re-connections

Song-soo, Anna, Keith, Sharon, Hyun (trying to hide), and Me

Song-soo and Anna were here over the weekend and it was GREAT to catch up with them. They're currently living/working/playing in England, but from all the stories they shared, I'm not as interested in going over to that part of the world anymore. But I was glad to hang with them on Friday and Sunday. I totally miss partnering with SS ... he was just an amazing servant of Christ who always gave 110%.

And of course it's always good spending time with my fellow Americans Keith and Sharon too. They'll be taking off for the US this week and Hyun and I will be leaving next week. We're both stopping by Arizona, but unfortunately, we'll be missing each other by 1 day! Have a great Christmas and New Years guys and let's touch base when we all return to Sydney next year.

Also, the weekly memory verses and sermons for my podcasts in iTunes have been updated as well.

Currently Watching
U218 Singles
By U2
see related

Thursday, December 07, 2006

To A Hero ...

James Kim

Remembering James "In my eyes, as a father, and in the eyes of his family, he is a true hero. He took the difficult but at the same time easy decision to risk his life to save the lives of those he loved the most...Rest in peace, brave man."
--CNET reader

My heart is so saddened and so moved by this story. A father who laid down his life for his family. CNN reported that his search for help was "superhuman" ... and I'd say so was his heart. I can only hope that his soul is truly resting in peace. And my grace, mercy and strength cover over his wife and children. With prayer ...

Currently Listening
The Joshua Tree
By U2
Mothers of the Disappeared

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Daddy Survival Guide

After all this marriage stuff recently, the natural next topic would be starting a family. So this is dedicated to my sister and brother-in-law as well as my cousins Patrick and Carol who are all expecting their first child. It's hard to believe that my "little" cousin is now going to be a dad! Congrats all the way around.

And FYI, the video above is Part 5 of 5 of a neat series created by a stay-at-home Dad. I was actually impressed and touched by these videos. He did a great job combining humor with some very helpful and practical content. I think you can just do a YouTube or Yahoo Video search of "Daddy Survival Guide" for the other episodes in this series.

Currently Listening
U218 Singles [CD/DVD Combo]
By U2
I Will Follow

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Weekend Wedding [EDIT]

Minsang, Mike and Me
Blessed Wedding

I had a great time at Mike and Jane's wedding over the weekend. It was such a blessing for me to see their love for one another and to see those two finally get married! From the moment I found out that they were "prayer partners" for certain mission trips a few years ago, I knew something was up =) I am truly so happy for them.

Photos Courtesy of the Wetzels

The very happy couple =)
EM Update

It was also pretty cool to see so many EM'ers that I haven't seen since I left New Life earlier in the year. Honestly, I wasn't sure how I was going to feel beforehand, but after seeing each person's face and hearing what they've been up to really warmed my heart. The hang out time during the reception brought back a flood of memories and feelings for me. As a few people mentioned, to which I whole-heartedly agree, it felt like it was the "good old days" again. Throughout that afternoon on Saturday, I realized that those guys still hold a very deep place in my heart. I was really thankful for the time spent together that day.

Some friends from New Life
Podcast Update

And as for podcasts, the weekly memory verses and sermons have been updated over the weekend. If you haven't tried it yet, I can testify that listening to MP3 verses on your MP3 player is a very effective way to learn new verses and keep old ones firm in your heart and mind.

Currently Listening
When Love Comes to Town / Dancing Barefoot / God Part III
God Part III
see related