Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Wisdom of Teams - Part 2

God Will Make a Way

Well, to finish off what's been on my mind about teams, I wanted to share some cool insights out of a book that I'm reading on this topic of building your "life team". It's called "God Will Make a Way" by Cloud and Townsend (the authors of the Boundaries Series).

They basically outline a life of faith that believes, in all circumstances, that "God will make a way ... where there seems to be no way ... He works in ways, we cannot see ... He will make a way for me. He will be my Guide and hold me closely to His side. With love and grace, for each new day ... He will make a way. He will make a way." [Don Moen]

Your Team = Your Success

They devote a whole chapter to outlining the importance of choosing your traveling companions (your life team) wisely. They say that surrounding ourselves with the right friends will make our break the success of our life journey. As John Maxwell often says, "Our success is directly related to who we surround ourselves with." Those closest to us, will determine how far we go in life.

Cloud and Townsend share that there are basically two kinds of people in the world: those who are growing personally and those who are gonig nowhere and stagnating. They go on to say:

"Welcome as traveling companions people who are pursuing God and His way for them, because they are constantly growing. They will help keep you on the way that God has made for you. Do not entrust your heart to those who are stagnant or doing things that destroy love, life and accomplishment. They can kill your dreams and turn you away from God's way." [p. 33]

Surround yourself with a good team and you'll find yourself enjoying life a whole lot more ... and reaching dreams that you never thought possible ... I've seen what can happen when a 1+1 = 100 synergy relationship forms ... and it's pretty cool. =)


And I feel blessed that the team to pioneer Crossing Borders within Australia is also a fun group of people to be with. Continue to pray for us as we solidify our legal status as a non-profit organization in Australia, and continue to grow beyond our current boundaries. There are some pretty cool people who are offering up their talent, time and services to help make CB grow and accomplish its purposes around the world.

I'll update more on some amazing things God has been providing for CB later on. And if you could pray for our next meeting which will be tonight (Thursday) at my place, that would be cool too. Thanks.

Currently Reading
God Will Make a Way: What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do
By Henry Cloud, John Townsend
see related

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