Monday, June 28, 2004

Dying Well

With all that's happened in the Middle East with the kidnappings these past few weeks, it's brought about a new prayer for my life. I want to die well. I want to die faithful ... I want to die while in communion with Christ. No one knows the horror or fear that a person would be facing in a situation like that, but I hope I can always declare my love and loyalty to Christ. How a person dies reveals a lot about how that person lived ... how that person viewed life ... and if that person was ready to die. I want to die well.

Drying God's Flowers ...

God, I'm thankful today for ...
* My times of prayer and preparation for you and your work ... I love being in your presence and seeking your grace
* The leaders meeting last night ... we were able to touch base on all the ministries and we've seen our leadership team grow this past year ...
* The love and encouragement I receive from PG1 / PG2 / and EM =)
* Your provision of each and every meal so far ... I've been eating very well so far (since the weekend)
* Granting me conviction for the message on Sunday towards living well and dying well
* Providing some books for my thesis through the mail :) But I need to create more time to work on the thesis soon ...

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