A few of us also visited Jamie Kim in the hospital on Sunday and it was good to see her recovering well from her surgery. Keep her in prayer; I think she'll be resting at home for the next month or so.
And Lance Armstrong, after overcoming cancer, won his 7th consecutive Tour de France over the weekend - a record that may stand for quite some time. I was following his career ever since 1999 and I can't believe how far he's come (and overcome!) during these years. I remember watching a documentary on him that first year and everyone was amazed that he was just in the race ... and then when he won it, it was unbelievable to see.
Anyways ... what a jam(a)-packed month it's been ... the Hillsong Conference, our EM retreat, the JAMA Convention ... and now preparing to go to Africa in September and December of this year too. What a life ... gotta love it!
[What's New: I uploaded a new video of the fire/fireplace from our EM retreat =) If you loop it in your Windows Media Player, it can be a virtual fireplace for your computer ... hope it keeps you warm and thinking pleasant thoughts!! ;p And I added some pictures in my "Friends USA", "Me and Hyun" and "Family" sections. Enjoy!]
Eddie!!! You always almost lose your voice at conferences/conventions! When you were leading prayer I was thinking "God, preserve his voice!" JAMA was awesome. Somewhat different to JAMA jnr, but still awesome! Thanks for your words of encouragement. God bless!
Hi Eddie!
It's been so good to find you in cyberspace :). I'd tried emailing/calling several times in the past few years, but never got a hold of you. I'm so happy to see that things seem to be going very well! I'm not sure if she'd remember me, but say hi to Hyun!
~Sharon Pyun
Hey Mon! Thanks for your prayers, partnership and support as well. I love when our churches serve together. The gatherings are so full of "life" :p You're a blessing Mon!
And Sharon! Wow, it's great to be back in touch after all these years too. I totally wish I could have been there to personally bless your marriage, but you definately got my prayers though :) And of course Hyun remembers you. We keep the picture of you, Genny, Patrick, Mike and Thomas that we took together in Dallas on our fridge. :) Besides, we're fellow Byuns!
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