Saturday, May 06, 2006

Happy Birthday Hyun!!

This goes out to my beloved wife on her special day [May 6]. You are a gift from God that blesses my life each time we're together. Thank you. With love, prayer and thanks ... and above all, I thank God for you. :)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Hyun!!!!!!!
We are very proud of you that you are our daughter.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday hyun! i don't really know you except when we met at your texas wedding reception. but i do know that eddie is great & he would only marry the best woman he knows. have a wonderful birthday!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday hyun! i know you don't really know me, but we met at your wedding reception in texas...what i do know is that eddie is great & he would only marry the most wonderful woman he knows. hope you have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Bday Hyun! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you. I would take you and Eddie out for a mash-eet-nun-guh =)

Anonymous said...

Happy B'day

Thats so sweet of you Eddie. That slide thing is pretty cool as well! ;)

Anonymous said...

It's a bit weird to be writing this here, but Happy Birthday Hyun!

Man, seeing all those pics makes me miss you guys even more! hope you're both well!