Me, Hyun, Patrick and Carol (and Caleb) in front of Texas Stadium
I had a great New Years surrounded by family and loved ones. My cousin Patrick and his wife Carol from Chicago flew into Dallas and we were able to catch the last game of the season for the Cowboys. God provided great parking, good seats and a chance to meet a lot of the players after the game.

The past few weeks have been very full and rewarding catching up with family from all over the US. The picture above is of me and my grandmother in Arizona right after our church service. It was great to be able to see our ever expanding family in person and through Skype video during the holidays.

And here's a picture of Hyun and Stephen Bowen, the Defensive End for the Dallas Cowboys. A cool rookie who wanted to take a picture with Hyun even though we didn't even ask! I was so excited to have met so many players after the game and add a bunch of signitures to my collection. =)
It's been a packed schedule so far in the US so I haven't been able to update until now on my blog. But I will be updating soon about the direction I sense God leading me in for 2007. I'm excited and a bit nervious about the steps of faith that I feel God wanting me to take for my next season of ministry ... looking forward to sharing it with you. Once again, hope you all had a great New Years Day and may 2007 be for you, a taste of heaven.
 | Currently Listening War By U2 New Year's Day |